Saturday, March 27, 2010

First To Go

They say your memory goes as you get older and I think they may be right. Because last week, I went into work to put a turkey in the oven for the next day. I took the turkey out of the fridge, placed it on the table. Turned on the hood and the oven. Went and did a few things while waiting for the oven to heat. Then I locked the doors and turned out the lights and went home. When I got to work the next morning, what do you think I saw on the table...

The *#^#&* turkey.


debra said...

ouch! I'm glad people younger than I am do the kinds of things I do.. makes me feel better. Thanks! Better days ahead. When is spring break?

Anonymous said...

You didn't!!!! If it wasn't such a disaster, it would be funny...