Friday, March 27, 2009

I Can Haz Noo Shoes?

Lookit! This is why we always buy the best possible shoes for the dollar. My old pair, which were purchased in May of last year, the right shoe lost it's sole. Or sold it to the Devil for 40 pieces of silver, whichever. The result was mayhem. Everyone said, "Just go to Wal Mart and get a pair of shoes..." But me and my dad held out. So I took them to the Red Wing store. The nice man looked at them and said, "Um, that shouldn't have happened to this shoe. Unless you stepped on a land mine." Since I still have both legs, that wasn't the case. They gave me a new pair of shoes, not one penny paid.
There are companies out there who still believe in their product and in customer service. That's why when I need to purchase new shoes, I'm going straight back to that Red Wing store.

I finally caught a break.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oh Snap!

Be wary of calling in sick if you work in a kitchen. If you feel your ears burning all day, it's because we're talking smack about you. Really. All day long.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Freakin' Snow

Winter is not over yet. Not even a little bit. Looks like the groundhog was right.