Saturday, August 29, 2009

It's Good to Be Chef

Although sometimes I miss the days when it wasn't my responsibility. When it wasn't my head on the block day after day. Being Chef doesn't mean you get to sit on your butt while everyone else does the work. Being Chef means you work harder than anyone, because it's your kitchen. And the person who will be judged by what comes out of it is you. When you have no dishwasher, you are the dishwasher. You are the maintenance person, the vegetable chopper, the floor mopper, the stock unloader, the server, chief cook and bottle washer. You are everything. You make decisions, and you better make them fast, because you only have a few hours before 280 kids are going to come in hungry.
The first week has had a few challenges, power outages, parent complaints, late deliveries and corporate visits. Trying to hold up standards that no one wants to support. Crumbling facilities, breaking equipment, lousy wiring, and sketchy staffing. My nerves are shot, I'm tired and my feet are killing me. This kitchen might be cursed, but it's mine. It is as Master Yoda once said, "Do, or do not. There is no try."

On the plus side, it's good to know I can still cook.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Things You Can't Do with Only 3 People

You cannot feed 200 kids. You can't punch cards, run dishes and replenish the line. You can't collect cash or write down names. You can't even breathe.
Today was ok though, considering the manic craziness that is the first day of school. Kids got fed, kitchen got cleaned. the world continued to revolve on its axis. There was no plague of locusts, also no one died.

Some days that's all you can ask for.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The End is Near

The end of summer, that is. Next week I am back in the trenches at my new job, getting supplies ordered, getting organized, badgering the facilities people to hang up whiteboards, mop hooks and (hopefully) dropping a new receptacle so I can plug in my mixer. I have so many lists that my lists have lists right now. Not to mention a decided preponderance of sticky notes. I'm ready to get back into work, a bit worried that I won't remember how to batch cook, or that my food will be icky. All crazy talk of course, I know. Everything will be fine as frog hair. In the meantime, I'm going to grab some relaxation time, as it's the last I'll have for a bit.

Gentleman, start your engines...