Saturday, July 11, 2009

Meet Sabrina Rose

Listen where thou art sitting
Under the glassie, cool, translucent wave,
In twisted braids of Lillies knitting
The loose train of thy amber-dropping hair,
Listen for dear honour's sake,
Goddess of the silver lake,
Listen and save!

That little poem there is by John Milton. It is about a water-sprite who saved a virgin from a fate worse than death. And for those of you who know your films, an Audrey Hepburn film, later remade with Julia Ormond and Harrison Ford. Also, it's the name of a teenage witch. All very appropriate for my new (to me) car.

Yes it is a 2006 Lincoln Zephyr. Gorgeous, leather interior, heated seats/mirrors and every bell or whistle you could put on a car. Less than 24K miles on it. Rides like butter, and schools those little Mazda 3 like nobody's business. Zoom Zoom that, Mazda.

"So, Sabrina's the virgin?"

"Sabrina's the savior."

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Behind the 8 Ball

So, I got a promotion. I am now Chef Supervisor at a different school. Money is still not fabulous, but I have good hope. We are starting out behind the eight ball this year. This account has been mismanaged and has posted a loss for two years. So I have to go in shooting to kill to pull this thing out of the hole. It won't be pretty, but I didn't go into cooking to be pretty.