Sunday, June 29, 2008

Symphony in Speed Minor

So Sunday Busy Sunday...
Well, not as busy as it could have been, but definitely busier than last Sunday. I have discovered one of my many quirks, it only happens when I'm plating. I hum when I get busy. Specifically I hum classical music. Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto 1, Beethoven's 5th, when I get to Mozart's Magic Flute, I am starting to panic.
I'm slowly learning all the platings, and soon they will be reflex. Hopefully, soon I won't make it all the way to the Flute.
Have a good night everybody.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've been busy! So nice to read the posts - keep up the good work.
Hope to see more people reading your work - put it out there somewhere!