Wednesday, April 25, 2012


In the end, maybe none of it matters. When it all comes down to it, no one cares that you tried to feed them healthy stuff or that you tried to stay on budget. All that shows is numbers and bottom lines, and yours is bleeding to death. Because everyone wants an "upscale" dining experience but no one wants to pay for it. And everyone has an opinion, but no one will tell you to your face. In the end, all you get for caring so damn much is a constant headache and an ulcer. And no job is ever going to be worth that.
So maybe next year they'll have a new chef, and hopefully I will have moved on, and maybe that chef will have better ideas, more enthusiasm and then maybe that chef will learn what a soul-vacuum this place is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! That place is bottomless pit of woe. I hope you are gone from there, and on to something better. They need to move people up that have actual skills!