Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Shuffle. Cut. Deal.

Well friends, I can tell you one thing. The worst day in the kitchen is better than the best day in the office. There is nothing that I have loved, hated, sweat for, bled for, or cursed, like cooking. That being said though, cooking, like crime, doesn't pay. Or it doesn't pay well and as I look at my bills piling up and my student loans looming large, I begin to realize that my job may just not cut it. I love it and I don't want to leave this industry that I've worked so hard to get into, but it may mean the difference between getting by and getting ahead.
Nothing is definite yet, and I'll never stop blogging. Just like I'll never stop cooking. I just may not be doing it for a living. But I know this much is true, working in kitchens is like working in a circus. Sometimes you're in with the lions, sometimes in the clown car, always working without a net. But it's still the greatest show on earth...


Marnie said...

If anyone can figure out how to make there dreams pay it will be you. I have faith in your ability and your cooking. You will find a happy medium.

Anonymous said...

Take your time to figure it out. Maybe a compromise can be made.