Monday, October 6, 2008

A Case of the Mondays

There should be a limit to how much stupid you can commit on a Monday. There should be a law of averages or something. I got up this morning and made my coffee (i'm trying to get back on my Weight Watchers) and ate my breakfast like a good doobie. The lid of my travel mug snaps on, and apparently you twist it as well to secure it. Well, Little Miss 5AM here, neglected to twist. So I'm driving down the road to work and taking a sip of coffee and SPLASH! A good amount of hot coffee lands in my lab. OK, I'm awake now. Gets better. As I am continuing my drive to work, I try one more time to sip my damn coffee...SPLASH! All over the front of my nice clean white jacket.

Yeah, some days it doesn't pay to be me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
