Thursday, September 11, 2014

This Was the Day

This is the day I remember. The day I always remember. This was the day it happened. I do not always agree with my country or its policies. I think our political system is broken beyond repair. We fight amongst ourselves so much it looks like a civil war sometimes. But this was the day we stopped. This was the day we were all Americans. No matter our political or socio-economic status, we were one. And this was the day that happened.
We are a country that tries. We try to help. We try to fix things that are broken, sometimes even things that aren't broken. We are not infalliable. Sometimes we don't know what the right thing to do might be. Sometimes we get it wrong.
But the terrorists did not break us. They never will. Because we keep fixing, keep helping, sometimes to our own detriment. We keep trying.
Because this was the day it happened.