Monday, December 20, 2010

Meanwhile Back on the Ranch

Yeah sorry about the unscheduled stop in my blogging adventures...Everything kind of went bonkers at the same time and I could barely find time to tie my shoes, much less compose sentences. Work has been chugging right along, with the modification that I am being trained now to do all my own bookkeeping and spreadsheets etc. Its more work, but the good news is that they are going to pay me for it. So that's a plus.
The holiday time is upon us now, and once again, I have failed to make Christmas cookies. But since we know I am not a baker, that really isn't all that surprising. The good news almost all of my shopping is done, all that is left are things that I am doing for others. I am home with my family now and surrounded my all the lovely decorations and music and that is very good.
Some rest is welcome and I plan to enjoy it to the highest. So, in my annual message, get out there, do some good somewhere, help somebody.
